(redirected from PmWikiZhTw.StateOfTranslationTemplate)
Message for 林風: Thanks for your translation efforts! You have probably seen that signing with your Chinese name does not link to the Profiles group. Unfortunately this group is not yet UTF-8 enabled. We are aware of this problem and are analysing what and when needs to be done to make this move as smooth as possible, without breaking content of current non-UTF-8 pages. -- SchreyP? 2010/05/17, 07:34
- 空白(blanko):整個文件翻修(page to be Translated entirely)
- D:Draft:正在翻譯/更新中(trnaslation ongoing)
- C:翻譯完成(translation completed)
- M:Modify:待更新文件(update needed)
- --:不再需要翻譯(參見PITS:01147)
- U:使用者/作者(User/author)文件,針對Wiki使用者或協作者的說明文件;
- A:管理(Admin)用文件,某些系統管理工作可用維基頁面完成;
- S:系統(System)文件,針對需要使用FTP存取權限的系統管理工作;
- D:開發(Developement)文件,針對PmWiki擴充套件(recipies)的開發
頁面標記 - Syst.- (System pages) 表示頁面名稱必須與原文件相同,因為這些文件會被系統程式所使用。
- 重新定向至別的頁面
- 舊版本的功能、說明
Work | Type | English | PmWikiXx? | Comments |
-- | S | PmWiki.AcceptPathInfo | not in distribution, page don't exist | |
-- | S | PmWiki:AuthorTracking | not in distribution, obsolete page since v2.0.0 | |
-- | U | PmWiki:ChangesFromPmWiki1 | not in distribution, only historical important | |
-- | S | PmWiki:LayoutBasics | not in distribution, obsolete page | |
-- | S | PmWiki:MailPosts | not in distribution, obsolete page since v2.1.7, see now PmWiki.Notify | |
-- | A | PmWiki.MarkupDirectiveAlternatives | not in distribution, page don't exist | |
-- | S | PmWiki.PerGroupCustomizations | redirects to PmWiki.GroupCustomizations | |
-- | U | PmWiki.TipsForEditing | 頁面編輯技巧 | not in distribution, page don't exist |
-- | U | PmWiki.UsingCategories | not in distribution, page don't exist | |
-- | ? | PmWiki.WikiGroups | redirects to PmWiki.WikiGroup | |
-- | U | PmWiki.WikiSandbox | redirects to Main.WikiSandbox | |
-- | U | PmWiki.WikiWords | redirects to PmWiki.WikiWord |