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Converting .aa files to mp3's
Tread with extra text DBpoweramp comes in handy again as a way to get my audible files onto unsupported devices. Audible is great but they don't support every device.
Here is how:
I've finally found a way to convert .aa (audible) to .mp3's at 50x realtime!
- Install Just use dBpowerAMP Music Converter which can be found at: Attach:dMC-r10.exe Δ
- Install the DirectShow codec.
- And follow the instructions found at: dBpowerAMP forum
These are:
- Install AudibleManager AND Windows Media Player Filter (bottom of download page) of Audible software
- Set DirectShow to know about Audible file types with Start >> Programs >> dBpowerAMP Music Converter >> Configure DirectShow Decoder
- at the end of this text file type (on a new line): .aa
- Save the file (File >> Save)
- Run dBpowerAMP Configuration with Start >> Programs >> dBpowerAMP Music Converter >> Configuration >> dMC Configuration
- That is it, dBpowerAMP can read audible files and Sveta Portable audio can upload Audible files to portables that support it.
- As a small aside, if you are converting to MP3, you can either pay Illustrate, $15 for their MP3 license or you can use the converter called mp3 (Lame) which you can then point to a free version of Lame somewhere on your machine.