

Rancho Bridge

There are two parts to automating scoring

  1. BridgePal to run at the table and collect those scores onto the scoring PC
  2. BridgeScore to take those scores and combined them together to create results.

1.1 BridgePalServices

BridgePalServices_v2.1.0.exe Δ

This package installs system software components on the target PC. This installer carries out a number of functions:

  • Uninstalls apache service if present (it has now been replaced with nginx web server)
  • Installs nginx and php servers, and bridgepalBroadcast
  • Installs BridgePalServices Monitor (which starts the above three programs and keeps them running)
  • Launches BridgePalServices Monitor and also sets it to launch when the PC is booted or restarted.
  • Also installs any dependencies (e.g. Visual C++ runtimes if not already installed)
  • Creates an entry in the Windows firewall table allowing BridgePal phones/tablets to make requests to nginx server

1.2 BridgePal Server

BridgePalPkg243.exe Δ

Installs software for BridgePal Server & dependencies in the directory C:\BridgePal. This includes:

  • The server program BridgePal.exe
  • The php scripts which implement the BridgePal user interface and communicate with the scoring program and the server program BridgePal.exe.
  • A small application called BPSessClose.exe which runs at PC startup which ensures that BridgePals cannot connect to a .bws file until BridgePal Server is started.

1.3 BridgePal Client

Here's the BridgePal application to load onto an Android device to keep score at the bridge table

This program is available from the Google Play Store here BridgePal and can be installed directly from there.

I have a local copy just in case here BridgePal_1.5.7.apk Δ

2. BridgeScore

BridgeScoreInstall408.exe Δ

Download and install the BridgeScore program

BridgePalBridgeScoreGuide.pdf Δ

The system is a free download (and use) via WiFi on a laptop with Windows. There is no need for paper travelers (!) as each table is given or has their own android cell/tablet to record table scores. At the end, results are given on each table cell/tablet. All scoring is automatic! While I will do my best to give you basic steps, you might want Kefu or his backup (Fried!) to set you up. Once you are set up and know the steps to run the game, it works like a charm!!! May I suggest you bring your laptop to our (friendly!) game next Wednesday for help. Kefu, the expert, will be running the program next time and you can see firsthand how a game is started...after that, it pretty much runs itself.

Setup: Login to the local WiFi; then download/install BridgeScore via . Also, download BridgePalServces and BridgePalServer from For each table the android cell/tablet must install the BridgePal app from Google Play. When you first run BridgeScore you will need to enter all players and the program will give each player a permanent number.


1) After connecting to the local network, start Bridgescore (heart logo). From the Club tab at the top put in a name for the club under New Club at the bottom. Make sure to “SAVE” before “Exit.”

2) Names box is where you add new folks; IDs are automatic. You can always look up forgotten ID numbers. Exit! The player numbers are needed for starting a session on each table cell/tablet.

3) From Scorer box, List of Events will come up, click on New Event, fill in name, date, scoring type (Match Points) and mark "Pairs" and “Wireless Scoring”. SAVE/Exit!

4) Now click Define Movement. The default is MITCHELL (two winners), you can forget Howell for now (right?). If you have a half table, you need to put in Missing Pair the sit-out table number (N/S). Note, on even numbered tables, it gives the skip round (as well as at each table). SAVE!

5) Answer YES to the question “Start wireless scoring?” Now each table can connect to you after first connecting to the local WiFi. Using the cell/tablet is easy after each table puts in the IDs (done only at the beginning of the session). Mistakes that need help to fix can easily be corrected by Kefu (or me).

6) Finally, you can print results from the print tab at the top in Results which can be attached to your separate email list; note you have four choices. For example, I have attached the “Ranking List” from our last time but more can be included as you have done with your current system like “Travelers.”

Questions? Here is a site for more information: